Staff Accountability (STF)
As of April 1, 2024
The pending summarized recommendations listed below reflect the most current information and actions taken since the previous Board Study Session. Summarized recommendations marked as audited or pending review have been updated for the May 7, 2024 Board Study Session.
There are 30 recommendations in the category of Staff Accountability that are included in the Summarized Recommendations below.
Steps Taken: The Sheriff’s Office has implemented a policy by which all complaints are reviewed by the Internal Affairs Unit (IAU) first for investigation, before determining which matters can be sent back to the division of origin for investigation if the matter is operational in nature. IAU investigates all moderate and major complaint matters. IAU has increased staffing to process and investigate complaints in a timelier manner.
The Sheriff’s Office continues to ensure all grievances are routed to the Grievance Unit and all complaints are routed to the Internal Affairs Unit. The Office is also monitoring caseloads to ensure timely processing and responses to complaints.
This Summarized Recommendation is pending review by the Office of Correction and Law Enforcement Monitoring (OCLEM) as part of the Jail Reforms Audit to assess the status of implementation.
Budget Status: The Board approved the following:
- February 2016: 1 Sheriff’s Sergeant for the Internal Affairs Unit ($229,610).
- FY 2017 Adopted Budget: 2 Sheriff’s Sergeant positions and 1 Management Analyst position to the Internal Affairs Unit ($591,854).
- FY 2017 Adopted Budget: 1 Sheriff’s Correctional Lieutenant position and 2 Management Analyst positions ($502,408) to track, investigate, and respond to grievances.
- FY 2018 Adopted Budget: 2 Senior Management Analyst positions ($338,062) to conduct audits, provide quality assurance of grievance responses, identify trends, and produce training materials regarding grievances.
County Administration and the department are evaluating to determine if additional resources are needed.
Source Report(s): Sheriff’s Jail Reform Plan, Zisser
Responsible Department(s): Sheriff’s Office
Master List Nos.: 370, 371, 502, 504, 505
Review Date: FGOC reviewed on December 19, 2016.
Steps Taken: The Sheriff’s Office has implemented an Early Warning System that identifies trends and produces reports for management to address conduct, training or policy issues proactively.
This Summarized Recommendation is pending review by the Office of Correction and Law Enforcement Monitoring (OCLEM) as part of the Jail Reforms Audit to assess the status of implementation.
Budget Status
The Board approved the following:
- February 2016: 1 Sheriff’s Sergeant for the Internal Affairs Unit ($229,610).
- FY 2017 Adopted Budget: 2 Sheriff’s Sergeant positions and 1 Management Analyst position to the Internal Affairs Unit ($591,854).
- FY 2017 Adopted Budget: 1 Sheriff’s Correctional Lieutenant position and 2 Management Analyst positions ($502,408) to track, investigate, and respond to grievances.
- FY 2018 Adopted Budget: 2 Senior Management Analyst positions ($338,062) to conduct audits, provide quality assurance of grievance responses, identify trends, and produce training materials regarding grievances.
No additional resources are needed.
Source Report(s): Sheriff’s Jail Reform Plan, Blue Ribbon Commission on Improving Custody Operations
Responsible Department(s): Sheriff’s Office
Master List Nos.: 11-13, 365, 366, 375
Review Date: FGOC reviewed on December 19, 2016.
Steps Taken: The addition of a new dentist has given the Custody Dentistry Director more flexibility in increasing dental hours at Main Jail and Elmwood, as necessary. Wait times are also constantly monitored so that the dentists’ schedules can be adjusted to minimize wait times.
FAF is currently in the process of designing the new dental office at Main Jail. The new dental office would accommodate an additional dental chair and have an area for lab work.
With the implementation of HealthLink, Custody Health Services (CHS) now has a single, integrated record system that allows caregivers to securely and efficiently document and view relevant patient information from all episodes of care to promote consistent patient care. CHS also monitors various reports from HealthLink to track and measure productivity and pinpoint areas of need.
This Summarized Recommendation is pending review by the Office of Correction and Law Enforcement Monitoring (OCLEM) as part of the Jail Reforms Audit to assess the status of implementation.
Budget Status: The Board approved the following:
- FY 2017 Adopted Budget: 1 Dentist position and 1 Dental Assistant position to support Dental Services in the Jail ($326,928).
County Administration and the department are evaluating to determine if additional resources are needed.
Source Report(s): Dental Gap Analysis - Shulman
Responsible Department(s): Custody Health Services
Master List Nos.: 559, 562, 570
Review Date: FGOC reviewed on December 19, 2016.
Steps Taken: The Sheriff’s Office has evaluated best practices and developed a draft matrix of discipline that resembles the model being utilized by the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections (CDCR). The draft needs to be reviewed by Sheriff’s Office stakeholders prior to implementation. The Sheriff’s Office will work with potential oversight bodies to provide access to records that is consistent with the law, especially with the Peace Officer’s Bill of Rights (POBAR).
The Sheriff’s Office has evaluated the practices and policies of other agencies and has a draft proposal matrix that is being reviewed by County Counsel.
Budget Status: The Board approved the following:
- February 2016: 1 Sheriff’s Sergeant for the Internal Affairs Unit ($229,610).
- FY 2017 Adopted Budget: 2 Sheriff’s Sergeant positions and 1 Management Analyst position to the Internal Affairs Unit ($591,854).
- FY 2017 Adopted Budget: 1 Sheriff’s Correctional Lieutenant position and 2 Management Analyst positions ($502,408) to track, investigate, and respond to grievances.
- FY 2018 Adopted Budget: 2 Senior Management Analyst positions ($338,062) to conduct audits, provide quality assurance of grievance responses, identify trends, and produce training materials regarding grievances.
- FY 2020 Adopted Budget: Added one Law Enforcement Clerk position in the Grievance Unit to assist with the process to provide timely responses ($96,598).
Source Report(s): Sheriff’s Jail Reform Plan, Blue Ribbon Commission on Improving Custody Operations
Responsible Department(s): Sheriff’s Office
Master List Nos.: 14-15, 367-369
Review Date: FGOC reviewed on December 19, 2016.
Steps Taken: For the Sheriff’s Office, Custody squad meetings were re-instituted in February 2016. The Office of Standards and Inspection Unit (OSIU) is in the process of developing a training plan that include a variety of learning paths for long term development. Staff assigned to the Elmwood Women's facility receives gender-sensitivity training. A department-wide protocol will be developed after further input from stakeholders such as the Commission on the Status of Women and the Office of LGBTQ Affairs.
Custody Health (CHS) staff has reviewed all policies for gender responsiveness and appropriate changes were implemented. A two-tiered mental and physical health screening system was developed and implemented in Intake Booking. All policies have been distributed to staff, reviewed, trained to, and implemented.
CHS conducts annual eight hour “8A Officer Training,” which provides an overview of mental illness, developmental disabilities, psychotropic medications, legal issues/patients’ rights, suicide prevention, and de-escalation strategies.
The Sheriff’s Office has been able to make significant progress on training. Four hours of PREA training is provided in the academy, and custody bureau staff complete 2 hours of biannual refresher training. All Custody Bureau staff has completed 16 hour Behavioral Health and De-Escalation training. All Sheriff’s Office staff will complete Crisis Intervention Training by December 2019. Implicit Bias training is on-going. The Sheriff’s Office has completed overview training on the new LGBTQI policy and will conduct more in-depth training beginning in July. The Sheriff’s Office partnered with the Probation Department to adapt their training curriculum on Gender Responsiveness to a custody setting and began training in February. The Office is also completing Mindfulness Training this quarter and will continue to provide quarterly reports on training to the Public Safety and Justice Committee on all training topics.
This Summarized Recommendation is pending review by the Office of Correction and Law Enforcement Monitoring (OCLEM) as part of the Jail Reforms Audit to assess the status of implementation.
Budget Status: The Board approved the following:
- FY 2016 Adopted Budget: 1 Sheriff’s Correctional Sergeant position and 1 Sheriff’s Correctional Deputy position ($314,500) were added for the Professional Compliance unit, now known as the Operational Standards and Inspection Unit (OSIU).
- November 2015: Also for the Professional Compliance Unit, now known as the Operational Standards and Inspection Unit (OSIU),1 Sheriff’s Correctional Lieutenant, 1 Sheriff’s Correctional Sergeant, and 2 Sheriff’s Correctional Deputy positions were added ($741,000)
- FY 2017 Adopted Budget: 5 Sheriff’s Correctional Deputy positions and 1 Clerk position ($827,539) were added to the Operational Standards and Inspection Unit to support policy and compliance work.
County Administration and the department are evaluating to determine if additional resources are needed.
Source Report(s): Blue Ribbon Commission on Improving Custody Operations, Human Relations Commission, Commission on the Status of Women, Civil Grand Jury
Responsible Department(s): Sheriff’s Office, Custody Health Services
Master List Nos.: 16-21, 178, 326, 537
Review Date: FGOC reviewed on December 19, 2016
Quick Links
- Americans with Disabilities Act Facility and Programs (ADA)
- Custody Hiring, Staffing, and Training (HST)
- External Oversight, Reporting, and Organizational Accountability (OVR)
- Grievance Policies and Procedure (GRV)
- Inmate Classification Policies and Procedures (CLS)
- Inmate Services (ISV)
- Jail Culture and Environment (JCE)
- Jail Facilities (JAF)
- Programs (PGM)
- Suicide Prevention (SUI)
- Use of Force (UOF)
- Staff Accountability (STF)
- Inmate Healthcare (HLC)