Adoption of Ordinance No. NS-300.939 amending Section A20-38.1 of Chapter III of Division A20 of the Santa Clara County Ordinance Code relating to the Operation of County Jails.

Department: County Counsel
Category: Ordinance

Charter Section 509 permits the Board, by ordinance supported by a 4/5ths vote, to convey jurisdiction over any or all jail operations to the Sheriff, to the Department of Correction, to any other appropriate agency, or to any of these entities jointly.  On September 27, 2016, the Board adopted an ordinance to codify the existing structure for jail operations on a temporary basis while the Board explored issues of jail management and oversight.  This provision will expire on January 17, 2020, unless the Board extends the January 17, 2020 sunset date or otherwise amends the relevant code provisions before then.


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