Department: Procurement Department (Office of the County Executive) Sponsors:
Category: Amendment to Agreement
In August 2016, the Office of the Sheriff submitted a request to the County Procurement Department to conduct a Request for Proposal (RFP) for body-worn cameras and evidence management system, and related accessories, maintenance and support/services. The purpose of the RFP was to select a vendor whose proposal is within the competitive range and could offer the best value to the County. At the request of the Board of Supervisors and the County Executive, the Procurement Department provided a report to the Board regarding the acquisition of body worn cameras and related services at the August 16, 2016 Board meeting. The Board directed the Administration to solicit expeditiously.
As planned, the Office of the Sheriff and Procurement developed the RFP and on August 31, 2016, RFP-PRO-FY17-0028 was posted on BidSync, the County’s current bid management system for RFPs. Two addenda were posted to make amendments to the RFP and to respond to questions received in a timely manner. The RFP closed on September 28, 2016. Five proposals were received by the RFP closing date and time. The RFP included business and technical mandatory requirements and proposers were informed that their proposal must meet all of the mandatory requirements in order to be considered.