Received report relating to options for a Custody Health Services staffing study, and timeline and recommendations regarding medical and infirmary standards in County Jails.

Department:    Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System    

On December 10, 2019, President Chavez made a referral that was approved by the Board of Supervisors to:

1. Submit a plan and timeline in January for conducting a staffing study of Adult Custody Health Services, with the final staffing study submitted in time to inform the FY 2020-2021 Recommended Budget.

During the Board discussion on the scope of the staffing study, additional items were added by President Chavez and Supervisor Ellenberg. The revised scope is provided below in Background.

2. Provide timeline and recommendations for improving medical and infirmary standards, specific to questions in the referral related to well-being, safety, and hygiene.

This report includes a plan and timeline for a staffing study and provides information on medical and infirmary standards.


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